The Short Version

Amie Borst still believes in unicorns, uses glitter whenever possible, and loves the color pink. She enjoys eating chocolate while writing and keeps a well-stocked stash hidden away from her chocolate-stealing family. She once had a garage band, red hair, and went to Jimmy Fallon's rival high school. Today she wishes she had a hot pink elevator to travel the world, but her minivan will have to do.

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The Long Version

I've been writing for as long as I can talk...and if you know me, that's a loooong time.

As a child I danced around the yard singing songs I'd composed and believing in the made-up stories I wrote. I won art contests throughout elementary school and was selected for the gifted art program.

While in high school, I continued to doodle and draw though my energies focused on music and writing for the creative arts magazine. In college my passion became the theater, attending various auditions in NYC and performing in local community theater productions. Through all of that, I continued to write. One of my favorite professors insisted that one day I would be published. Thanks for believing in me Mr. Clark!

I married young (just before my 21st birthday) and followed my husband around the country as he served the nation in the Air Force. This meant putting some of my dreams and pursuits aside. Children entered the picture and I dedicated my time to raising a family. But in 2008 I read a book that inspired me so much, I put pen to paper and started writing again. In a few short months I'd completed my first (still yet-to-be-published) Young Adult novel. I’ve learned a lot since then and I'm grateful the first drafts of that novel have not seen the light of day.

When I couldn't find a home for my YA novel, I did what any author would do. I cried.

Then, I put on my big-girl pants and I went on to write a series of Middle-Grade novels with my pre-teen daughter, Bethanie. The Scarily Ever Laughter series (Cinderskella, Little Dead Riding Hood, and Snow Fright) features funny (and sometimes creepy) retellings of classic fairy tales. The series was originally published in 2013, 2014, and 2016 by Jolly Fish Press but when they closed and my rights reverted, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I hired the fabulous Roch Hercka to illustrate and together we breathed new life into the series. Cinderskella re-released in 2018 to a fantastic Kirkus review! Little Dead Riding Hood and Snow Fright both released in 2019.

Currently, I'm working on some more funny books including another middle grade series which features zombies, aliens, and bigfoot! Doomy Prepper’s Complete Guide: How to Survive Fifth Grade and the Apocalypse won the Feathered Quill gold medal for young readers and has received glowing reviews from Readers Favorite and Litpick. You can watch the adorable book trailer here.

After a trip to Scotland in 2017, I rekindled my love for unicorns (the national animal of Scotland). So I thought what better way to honor my childhood and lifelong love of unicorns than to write a book series about them! The first four books in Unicorn Tales, a chapter book series geared for unicorn lovers ages 6-10, released in 2019 and 2020. Readers adore these books and, as a result, have become tremendously popular with tens of thousands of copies sold worldwide! There’s much more to come for Unicorn Tales and the magical Isle of Avonlea! Stay tuned!

I also have multiple young adult novels in progress. I'm venturing into some uncharted territories but love every minute of the challenge! In fact, most days I find myself so deep into writing, I've lost all track of time. Good thing my kids are old enough to fend for themselves! Sorry kids - it's gonna be cold cereal and frozen dinners tonight!

I was a PAL member of the SCBWI and one of the founding members of the group blog From the Mixed-Up Files of Middle-Grade Authors! I love pink, glitter, unicorns, and chocolate but not necessarily in that order. When I'm not writing, I'm singing, playing piano, baking (lots and lots of yummy chocolate goodies), decorating cakes, crafting, drawing, home decorating, running kids to a million activities, and homeschooling.*deep breath!* You can find me on various social networking sites mostly talking about those things. Oh, and occasionally about books, too!




